At Power Gifting, we believe that working as a community of like-minded people, giving is a powerful way to create connections and provide financial relief to families and communities. Power Gifting offers an accessible way for everyone to participate in the gift-giving culture, regardless of their budget. Through our unique online system, we have made it easy to send and receive gifts internationally.

Our unique value proposition lies in our commitment to:

  • Provide a stable, easy to operate and reliable platform cutting risk to a bare minimum.
  • Providing a seamless and convenient platform to give and receive gifts
  • Fostering a community of like-minded individuals who share a passion for giving and making a positive impact in their households and communities

By choosing Power Gifting, you can send an unconditional gift to uplift someone directly with no restrictions of border or middle man taking a cut and which does not break the bank. In return you will receive in abundance, on an ongoing basis.

Our $8 entry fits into every budget as extremely low risk while our simple gifting experience makes it swift and easy to give and receive. At Power Gifting we believe that the act of giving should be accessible to everyone, and our platform empowers you to make a positive impact without breaking the bank.

Join our gifting economy and become part of a movement that celebrates the joy of giving.

We are :

”For the People, By the People, With the People.”

For more information and information on Leadership opportunities, please email us at .